Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Golf: Reading The Green

A good putting game makes all of the difference in golfing. If you would like to boost your game you may develop a capability to read the green. Unless you have experience, factors like : the shape and coarseness of the ground, the thickness or wetness of the grass, and the changes of distance can warp your judgment. So first get down and take a close look at the ground between the ball and the cup. Lay your club in the direction of the hole and check the surface along the shaft. Do you see any bumps? Are there any curves to the left or to the right? Do you see any hills and valleys? Work out how much downhill vs uphill is between you and your goal. Your shot would change depending on whether or not you are uphill or downhill and the way the green breaks. Feel the grass.

Moisture can shorten the balls distance up to fourteen inches. Then there's the length of the grass to think about and whether it's been double cut ( double cut means the grass has been cut in one direction and mowed again at a vertical angle ). This is affecting the distance the ball will travel. If the grass is double cut it can go twelve inches further than it usually would and similarly if the grass has been cut even one / sixteen in. shorter, the ball will travel ten inches further. More troublesome to ascertain is whether the grass has been rolled that may compact the soil.

That would increase the ball's travel up to 10 inches. These techniques cannot be measured objectively. Unless you carry around unwieldy gear, the more that you practice the more that you can depend on experience. If you aren't actively playing watch how others play the game. It's a smart idea to see the hole from another angle.

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