Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The History Of Cricket

Cricket is a really old game that's drenched in custom. The earlier sorts of cricket return to at least the thirteenth century and the roots of the game can be traced back to the south of Britain . It appears to have been favored among the families of farmers in the south east. the 1st known reference to the name cricket was made in the latter sixteenth century in the south of Britain . The origin of the name'cricket' isn't essentially known, but there are plenty of possible sources for the name. The word may even be from the French word criqet which means bat. Although there are Flemish and Old English contenders for the title. Basically even the French word criqet is originally from the Flemish. So it isn't actually feasible to say precisely where the name cricket is from, but it has been about since perhaps the end of the sixteenth century. In the year sixteen hundred the game of cricket was first brought to India by the east India Company.

In the seventeenth century the game became more popular in the south east of Britain which was played by a load more folks at this time as there are countless references to the game in the 17th century. After a bit it was played in a more formal fashion in the later part of this century.

It is even thought that there should have been pro players at this time.

It is totally sure that some of these games were played for big amounts of money and there had been plenty of betting on the matches that were being played in the 17 th century. In the eighteenth century there were more references to the game which was much more far-reaching at this time.

There were many references to the game being played and there were stories of extraordinarily heavy stakes being bet on the games. It also became a far more preferred viewer game with huge crowds watching matches and more formal games being prepared. Lords cricket club in London was established in 1787 as the home of cricket. It's the home of the MCC who are the official holders of the rules of cricket. In the nineteenth century cricket became more like the game it is today with the beginning of over arm bowling.

This made the game a lot better as it was more correct and made it much more fascinating to look at. In the mid nineteenth century, the 1st overseas tour was to America which was then followed some years on by a trip to Australia to the Melbourne Cricket Ground. In 1864 the great cricketer WG Grace commenced playing cricket.

He was supposed to influence the game more than any other single person. He used to be a doctor and continued to practice when he was not playing the game. He played at the top level for over 40 years. He scored over 1,000 200 runs in the year 1902 when he was 50 4. He used to be an awfully domineering personality and was famous for disagreeing with the referees when he didn't like their choices. This was so debatable that it led on to strained diplomatic relations between Britain and Australia till the beginning of the second World War. In the sixties the game modified as limited over matches were played and made the game much more accessible to lots more folks. This started the one day internationals and the 1st one was played in 1971. The game became even more accessible in recent times with the beginning of Twenty20 cricket. This is where each team has up to 20 overs and makes the game much quicker and it usually lasts for not more than three hours. Even today the game continues to modify and gets better and it is probable to continue that way.

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